Monday, June 4, 2007

Theatre Sessions

Nice idea, but the execution could use improvement. The theatre sessions equate to stories around the camp fire. The reason stories around the camp fire work well for story tellers is the quiet of the woods. I the case of the theatre sessions, it's very difficult to hear the speakers, what with the music in the background, the other adjacent speakers and the noise of the attendee conversations 10 feet away. Stick to meeting rooms.

1 comment:

Dick Carlson said...

Yes, that was a problem last year. It's difficult to get the Product Groups to understand the difference between a big speech and a small discussion. Wouldn't it be amazing if the chairs were put in a circle, instead of modeling it after a second-grade classroom?

The TLC was meant for small discussions, not one-to-many. But maybe in a year or two that can be corrected.